Initiative on Empowering Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region: Launching of the Comparative Study of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine



Initiative on Empowering Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region: Launching of the Comparative Study of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine

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Since the launch of the report of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace “A Matter of Survival” in 2017, the implementation of its recommendations has thrown the light and supported the importance of looking at the role of women water leaders in peacebuilding, and resolution of conflicts, using new mechanisms of water diplomacy. Indeed, the role of gender in hydrodiplomacy is under-studied, and there is a need for the empowerment, in particular of the role of women in water diplomacy and water cooperation decision making and negotiations.

If you wish to know more about the Initiative on Empowering Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region download its presentation brochure here (or at the bottom of this page) or contact Ms Natasha Carmi, Lead Water Specialist at ncarmi[at], or Dr. Anthi Brouma, Deputy Regional Coordinator, GWP-Med (anthi[at]