(En)Gendering Transboundary Water Governance: Feminist Perspectives on Water Conflict and Cooperation


(En)Gendering Transboundary Water Governance: Feminist Perspectives on Water Conflict and Cooperation


On 29 and 30 September 2020, IHE Delft hosts an online cross-regional workshop on ‘(En)Gendering Transboundary Water Governance: Feminist Perspectives on Water Conflict and Cooperation’.
Water conflict and cooperation at the transboundary level exist at the intersection of two highly masculinized fields: diplomacy and water resources management. With this workshop, we want to bring together researchers and practitioners to shed light on the often hidden gender dynamics of water conflict and cooperation at transboundary level and on the implicit assumptions that guide research as well as policies. We also strive to discuss how we can (en)gender more inclusive water diplomacy.